Payment Methods

1. Payment Process

Upon receiving your order, we perform a standard authorization check on your payment card to ensure there are sufficient funds to complete the transaction. Your card will be debited upon authorization. The funds debited from your card will initially be treated as a deposit against the value of the goods you wish to purchase. Once the goods are dispatched and a confirmation email is sent to you, the deposit will be applied as payment for the goods as specified in the confirmation email.

2. Payment Methods Accepted

Cards Accepted

  • VISA, Discover, Diners Club
  • MasterCard, Union Pay
  • American Express, Visa Electron
  • JCB Card, Cartes Bancaires

Use your credit card or PayPal account balance for payment:

  • VISA
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • PayPal

If you have specific payment-related questions or issues, please contact our support team for assistance.